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Timeshare Scams and Fraud

Complaints  >   Timeshare Resort Category

I am a retired nurse with Multiple Sclerosis and a disabled child. My husband and I bought a timeshare with Embassy Resorts in 2001 and we had some difficulties at first but for the most part it was OK. In 2004, Embassy was bought out by Diamond Resorts and that is when everything went from bad to worse as we could never book a vacation due to lack of availability.
Over the next 15 years, they kept calling us for owner’s updates, which they proceeded to upgrade our contracts to fix our availability issues and give us higher status, so we had priority bookings. One time they took our drivers licenses and held us hostage until we upgraded again! Our last upgrade in 2016 was done so we could have an “exit plan” so our disabled child wouldn’t inherit the financial burden. Our... Read More

Do not buy into holiday inn they will trick to with gifts and words. Then they pull the wool over your eyes and you are left with a wad of debt and no release!! They do not tell you the truth! They say it will be the best investment of your life but it is by far the worst and you can not back out once your in it. They do not care if you cant afford it or let alone if something happens down the line. They do not care they just want their money.

Holiday inn is utterly disastrous. I keep getting calls but it never about cancelling my timeshare. How come someone can reach out to me to ask payment options but no one can answer my concerns. Disastrous of a company and customer service. Dont try to reach out to them because they will never respond and will hold you up. Do not get a timeshare with them if you do not want to waste your hard earned money. They do not care for anyones concerns or well-being.

I was told i won some money so i went to their 4 hour long presentation, thought it wouldnt be more than an hour. I stayed and listened to them just to be nice but at the end when it was time to get the “money i won” it was a scratch-off and more excitingly i lost.. -_- that was not even the most frustrating part. The most frustrating part is that they kept coming up with things to make me buy more of their stuff. Such as RCI points and uping my credit limit because “it didnt work”. I was told i could us my points all over the world and it was a cheaper rate. The cheaper rate would have been to stay away! To even book i had to put down a non-refundable deposit which i was never told i would have to do!

My husband and I attended a timeshare presentation which lasted more than four hours and ended with us signing a contract with Gold Key Resorts/Ocean Beach Club/Diamond Resorts.

The presentation started with a young saleswoman who talked about the resort’s Ocean Beach Club. She then shared her life story: how she was jilted at the altar and how she was dealing with that by using her timeshare to vacation on some island. The second salesman joined in on the conversation. He talked about how the timeshare was a good real estate investment and how it would save us money on vacations because we'd only have to pay a $100 fee to book our week. He didn’t touch on the maintenance fees at all. I think the saleswoman’s sob story and the salesman’s divorce were tactics because the... Read More

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